Sunday 15 May 2011

Forex`s Skills Set For Trading.

How long does it take the average person to develop the skill set for trading?
On average, one should expect it to take three weeks to one month to master the skill set. We recommend the following approach.

* Enrol in the PowerUpTM FX Workshop
* Prepare yourself for the workshop by reviewing the workshop material
* Attend the workshop
* After the workshop, read and study the workshop textbook
* Begin placing “paper” or simulated trades
* Monitor your paper trades and continue until you can prove to yourself that you can be profitable
* Begin placing small trades with real capital
* Increase the number and size of your trades as you become more successful
* Expect it to take 3weeks to 1 month to develop the skill set.

Forex`s Experience.

I have no previous experience in FX. Will I be at a disadvantage?

In many cases, the students who have no previous experience in FX outperform those who have. Most people who have experience will have to “unlearn” or change trading habits, while those who have no previous experience will be learning the right approaches from the beginning. Since you will have no “bad habits” to overcome, your learning curve may be shorter than someone who has experience. All the material is presented in any easy-to-follow, step-by-step manner.

Forex`s Strategies

Can’t I get the strategies taught at your workshop out of a book?

Yes, the trading strategies taught in our workshop could be found in some books. But we know of no book that provides the proper criteria for executing these trades. PowerUpTM instructors have years of experience and know the answers to critical questions like:

* What makes a good candidate for each trading strategy?
* What do I look for that would make one candidate better than another?
* How much should I be willing to pay for a particular trade?
* How do I recognize I am about to pay too much?
* What are the proper entrance and exit criteria for each trade?
* How can I tell when to pass, or to go ahead with a trade?
* How do I establish my loss limits and profit goals?
* How much should I be willing to risk in order to make a reasonable return?
* How long should I hold a trade before I take it off for a loss or profit?

Forex`s Safety

Most Stock broker advocate FX are risky and I should stay away from them. Is that true?

Many brokers wouldn’t know how – or wouldn’t be permitted by their firms – to place many of the trades taught at the workshop. Naturally such brokers discourage attendance at our workshop for fear of losing clients. The truth is, when you complete PowerUpTM Workshop you will know more about FX and how to use them than most licensed brokers do!

Conversely, there are many firms who specialize in FX trading and who understand and can place all the trades taught in the workshop. These firms are actively looking for new clients, and approval for FX trading through them is a relatively simple process. If you have difficulty locating such a broker, give us a call; we will be happy to refer you to one.

Your Forex`s Power.

What makes Power Up TM FX Programs so special?

First, PowerUpTM instructors include professional traders, hedge fund managers, proprietory traders and member of the major stock exchanges. There is no one more familiar with trading FX ,stock, futures or options in Asia than these professionals. Who better to learn from than someone who has had years of experience and has traded tens of thousands of shares of stock, future, FX, ETF and/or option contracts? Many participants tell us the opportunity to spend two ½ days with the instructors is alone worth the cost of the tuition.

Second, you will learn how you can profit, regardless of market conditions. Many people have made money in the bull market conditions, simply because the entire market has gone up and up. But how do you make money in a market that is trending down, stays flat, or is extremely volatile? Conventional wisdom says that if you own stock and the market goes down, you are going to lose money. Our class will teach you how to preserve your profits and protect your portfolio from market downturns. This alone is worth the cost of admission! In addition, you will learn how to profit from adverse market conditions.
PowerUpTM will teach you how to make as much, or more, in markets that move down, stay flat or become extremely volatile. It is imperative to learn how to trade in all four of the market conditions, if you want to be successful long term.

Third, our workshops place a great emphasis on risk-management. So many other programs offered are of the “get rich quick” variety. They teach trading strategies that work as long as the market goes your way. But if you are wrong, you will take big losses. Their explanation for losing trades is that you didn’t do enough  research. But the reality is that, regardless of the amount of research you have done, the market can still move against you. Losing trades are a reality of the business. Our professional traders will share with you the strategies and procedures they use daily to reduce risk dramatically when entering into a trade and to cut losses when they are wrong. The risk-management strategies alone are worth the price of admission to our workshop.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the Workshop, provides specific criteria for entering and exiting each trading strategy. Most of the books, seminars and trading software offered on the market present strategies, but give no specific criteria for entering and exiting them. What good is a strategy if you don’t know entry and exit criteria? PowerUpTM will provide you with step-by-step criteria, written in a recipe format, which will guide you through the process of executing our strategies. You will learn how to find candidates for each trade and how to determine those that have the highest probability of success. You will be given specific guidelines to determine when you should enter into a trade or to stay away from it. You will learn what strike prices and expiration months to use. You will be given a step-by-step procedure for entering into each trade and closing it out. Nothing is left to the imagination! All this is designed to put the odds in your favor and give you the highest probability of success on each trade. Even someone who has never traded before can follow the steps we outline, and trade like a pro.

Your Forex`s Time.

How much time do I have to dedicate to FOREX trading?

Our trading strategies do not require a lot of time. All in all, one can do quite well dedicating two to three hours a week to evaluating candidates and then a few minutes each day monitoring trades. Some trades taught require very little monitoring. The exact amount of time will vary from person to person, depending on the type and number of trades he initiates.

Forex`s Money Needed.

Do I need a lot of money to start trading FOREX?

Absolutely not! You can realistically start with as little as UD$200. How much money you have to trade with is not important. We have many students who have used their last dollar to attend the workshop. Their plan is to learn how to trade, then develop their skill set “paper trading” while saving up to trade with real money. This is a wise approach. If you attempt trading without the risk management strategies taught at the workshop, the likelihood of your losing money is high.